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Value function. Returns an expression evaluated at some offset after the current row. If there is no such row returns NULL instead.


LEAD ( expression [, offset]) OVER (
    [PARTITION BY (col | expr), ...] 
    [ORDER BY (col | expr), ...]


  • expression: any expression. This may be a column name, the result of another function, or a math operation
  • offset: A constant integer which specifies the number of rows after the current row to evaluate the expression. Defaults to 1 if not specified

Return Type

The result of expression


create table example (a int, b int);

insert into example values(1,2),(2,2),(3,3),(4,3);

select a,lead(a) over(order by (a)) from example;
| a    | lead(a) over(order by (a)) |
|    1 |                          2 |
|    2 |                          3 |
|    3 |                          4 |
|    4 |                       NULL |

select a,lead(a,2) over(order by (a)) from example;
| a    | lead(a,2) over(order by (a)) |
|    1 |                            3 |
|    2 |                            4 |
|    3 |                         NULL |
|    4 |                         NULL |