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Shows SingleStore DB server status information with detailed SingleStore DB-specific memory and performance statistics.





Variables Returned by SHOW STATUS

Name Value Definition
Aborted_clients 0 The number of aborted connections caused by the client dying without closing the connection properly.
Aborted_connects 0 The number of failed attempts to connect to the server.
Bytes_received 202 The total number of bytes received from all clients.
Bytes_sent 2556 The number of bytes sent to clients.
Connections 11 The number of successful or non-successful connection attempts to the server.
Max_used_connections 2 The maximum number of simultaneous connections the server has seen since it started.
Queries 78 The number of statements the server has executed, including statements from clients and statements within stored programs.
Questions 6 The number of statements the server has executed, excluding statements within stored programs.
Threads_cached 2 Number of kernel threads currently idle waiting for queries.
Threads_connected 2 The number of connections currently open.
Threads_created 10 The number of threads created to handle connections.
Threads_running 1 The number of threads that are currently active.
Uptime 11381 The amount of time, in seconds, that the server has been up.
aggregator_id A unique identifier for each aggregator. This is allocated by the master aggregator the first time a child aggregator connects.
Seconds_until_expiration 2539106 Seconds until expiration
License_key The license key. Not present in secure mode.
License_type Developer or Enterprise depending on the license key. Not present in secure mode.
Maximum_cluster_capacity 18446744073709551615 MB The allowed memory capacity in the cluster based on the license. Only on the master aggregator.
used_cluster_capacity The amount of memory capacity existent in the cluster. This is the sum of maximum_memory from all nodes in the cluster. Only on the master aggregator.
Query_compilations 0 Number of query compilations.
Query_compilation_failures 0 Number of query compilation failures.
GCed_versions_last_sweep 0 Number of versioned nodes reclaimed during the last iteration of the garbage collector.
Average_garbage_collection_duration 0 ms Average duration of garbage collection, in milliseconds.
Total_server_memory 81.6 MB Tracks the node’s overall memory use. Will not surpass the maximum_memory engine variable.
Alloc_thread_stacks 17.0 MB The memory allocated by threads for thread stacks on this node.
Malloc_active_memory 364.1 MB Memory SingleStore DB uses that is allocated by glibc malloc, instead of by the Buffer Manager like other SingleStore DB allocators.
malloc_cumulative_memory 68815.7 (+0.3) MB The total memory ever allocated by glibc malloc.
Alloc_variable_cached_buffers 0.4 MB The number of unused 128K memory buffers cached by the variable allocator.
Ssl_accept_renegotiates   0 Returns the number of start renegotiations in server mode.
Ssl_accepts     0          Returns the number of started SSL/TLS handshakes in server mode.
Ssl_callback_cache_hits   0 Returns the number of successfully retrieved sessions from the external session cache in server mode.
Ssl_client_connects   0    Returns the number of started SSL/TLS handshakes in client mode.
Ssl_connect_renegotiates  0 Returns the number of start renegotiations in client mode.
Ssl_ctx_verify_depth      18446744073709551615 Returns the verification depth limit currently set in CTX. If no limit has been set, -1 is returned and the default value is used.
Ssl_ctx_verify_mode       0 Returns the verification mode currently set in CTX.
Ssl_default_timeout       0 Returns the default timeout value assigned to SSL_SESSION objects negotiated for the protocol valid for SSL.
Ssl_finished_accepts      0 Returns the number of successfully established SSL/TLS sessions in server mode.
Ssl_finished_connects     0 Returns the number of successfully established SSL/TLS sessions in client mode.
Ssl_session_cache_hits    0 Returns the number of successfully reused sessions.
Ssl_session_cache_misses  0 Returns the number of sessions proposed by clients that were not found in the internal session cache in server mode.
Ssl_session_cache_overflows 0 Returns the number of sessions that were removed because the maximum session cache size was exceeded.
Ssl_session_cache_size    20480 Returns the currently valid session cache size.
Ssl_session_cache_timeout 0 Returns the number of sessions proposed by clients and either found in the internal or external session cache in server mode, but that were invalid due to timeout.
Ssl_sessions_reused       0 Returns 0 or 1 depending on whether a reused session was negotiated during the handshake.
Ssl_used_session_cache_entries 0 Returns the current number of sessions in the internal session cache.
Ssl_verify_depth          0 Returns the verification depth limit currently set in SSL for this connection. If no limit has been set, -1 is returned and the default value is used.
Ssl_verify_mode           0 Returns the verification mode currently set in SSL for this connection.
Ssl_cipher                Returns the name of the cipher being used for the current connection.
Ssl_cipher_list           Returns a pointer to the name of the SSL_CIPHER listed for SSL with priority.
Ssl_version               Returns the name of the protocol used for the connection SSL.
Ssl_session_cache_mode    SERVER Returns the cache mode currently being used.

Additional Variables Returned by SHOW STATUS EXTENDED

Name Value Definition
Threads_background 5 Background threads managed by the query scheduler, i.e. replication master queries and the scheduler thread.
Threads_idle 0 The number of idle connections not associated with threads.
Ready_queue 0 The number of connections with pending queries not associated with threads.
Idle_queue 0 The number of connections in the idle queue. This is a subset of threads_idle.
Context_switches 57 The number of times any thread has switched connections because it deemed a connection idle.
Context_switch_misses 0 The number of times the scheduler tried to switch connections but failed.
Workload_management_queued_queries 0 The number of queries being delayed due to workload management on this aggregator.
Workload_management_active_queries 0 The number of queries currently running on this aggregator.
Workload_management_active_threads 0 The number of threads currently running per leaf due to queries originating from this aggregator.
Workload_management_active_connections 0 The number of connections per leaf allocated to queries originating from this aggregator.
Columnstore_ingest_management_queued_queries 0 The number of queued concurrent columnstore writes.
Columnstore_ingest_management_active_queries 0 The number of running columnstore writes inserting into the in-memory segment.
Columnstore_ingest_management_max_concurrency 0 The maximum number of queries that can run concurrently. The value 0 indicates that this limit is not set.
Columnstore_ingest_management_estimated_segments_to_flush 0 The number of segments estimated to be created based on the amount of data in the in-memory segment.
Columnstore_ingest_management_estimated_memory 0.000 MB The estimated amount of memory used by the in-memory segments.
Auto_attach_remaining_seconds 0 The time remaining until the automatic rebalance triggered by an auto-attach operation will occur. Only applies to aggregators.
Data_directory /var/lib/memsql/data The directory containing snapshots, transaction logs, and columnstore blob files.
Plancache_directory /var/lib/memsql/plancache Directory path for the plancache directory, which contains compiled plans used for codegen.
Transaction_logs_directory var/lib/memsql/master-3306/data/logs Always the logs subfolder of datadir. This is where transaction logs are stored.
Segments_directory var/lib/memsql/master-3306/data/columns Always the columns subfolder of datadir. This is where columnstore blobs are stored.
Snapshots_directory var/lib/memsql/master-3306/data/snapshots Always the snapshots subfolder of datadir. This is where snapshot files live.
threads_waiting_for_disk_space 0 The number of threads currently blocked because the disk is full.
Malloc_transaction_cached_memory 323.3 MB The memory allocated to caching transaction objects.
Buffer_manager_memory 7.4 (+7.4) MB Tracks memory that is allocated by the Buffer Manager for SingleStore DB’s built-in memory allocators.
Buffer_manager_cached_memory 1.0 (+1.0) MB Tracks memory that was allocated by the Buffer Manager but is now cached and not in use. Limited to 25% of maximum_memory.
Buffer_manager_unrecycled_memory 0.0 MB Number of buffers ready to be recycled which have not yet been reclaimed.
Alloc_skiplist_tower 2.2 (+2.2) MB Tracks memory used by the towers for skiplist indexes.
Alloc_variable 0.4 (+0.4) MB Tracks memory allocated for variable length columns inside rowstore tables, or for other variable length memory allocations inside query execution.
Alloc_table_primary 1.2 (+1.2) MB Tracks memory used for on-row data for rowstore tables.
Alloc_deleted_version 0.4 (+0.4) MB Memory used to mark rows as deleted in rowstore tables.
Alloc_internal_key_node 1.5 (+1.5) MB Bytes used for HASH index buckets.
Alloc_hash_buckets 9.9 (+9.9) MB Memory used for HASH index buckets.
Alloc_table_metadata_cache 0.1 (+0.1) MB Bytes used for table entries used by DDL.
Alloc_unit_images 2.6 MB Bytes allocated to unit images. These contain metadata and bytecode necessary to execute an individual plan.
Alloc_unit_ifn_thunks 0.2 MB Bytes allocated to thunks. These are stub functions assembled by the interpreter to obey the x64 ABI.
Alloc_object_code_images 1.2 MB Bytes attributed to mapping .mo files into memory.
Alloc_compiled_unit_sections 0.7 MB Bytes allocated by the dynamic object loader for code and globals specific to each plan.
Alloc_databases_list_entry 0.4 (+0.4) MB Bytes used for database entries used by DDL.
Alloc_plan_cache 0.1 MB Bytes allocated for plan objects within the plancache.
Alloc_query_execution 7.750 MB Memory used for running queries on the node. Only present if queries are currently executing.
Alloc_durability_large 64.4 (+64.4) MB Tracks memory used to allocate transaction buffers to group commit rows to disk, as well as temporary buffers to write backups or take snapshots.
alloc_client_connection 1.5 MB Bytes allocated for outgoing connections to other nodes in the cluster.
Alloc_protocol_packet 1.1 MB Bytes allocated for result set protocol objects.
Alloc_table_memory 15.6 (+15.6) MB Tracks the memory stored inside all rowstore tables.
Alloc_variable_bucket_16 allocs:12 alloc_MB:0.0 buffer_MB:0.1 cached_buffer_MB:0.0
Alloc_variable_bucket_24 allocs:20 alloc_MB:0.0 buffer_MB:0.1 cached_buffer_MB:0.0
Alloc_variable_bucket_32 allocs:5 alloc_MB:0.0 buffer_MB:0.1 cached_buffer_MB:0.0
Alloc_variable_bucket_40 allocs:116 alloc_MB:0.0 buffer_MB:0.2 cached_buffer_MB:0.1
Alloc_variable_bucket_48 allocs:49 alloc_MB:0.0 buffer_MB:0.2 cached_buffer_MB:0.1
Alloc_variable_bucket_56 allocs:10 alloc_MB:0.0 buffer_MB:0.1 cached_buffer_MB:0.0
Alloc_variable_bucket_64 allocs:5 alloc_MB:0.0 buffer_MB:0.1 cached_buffer_MB:0.0
Alloc_variable_bucket_72 allocs:6 alloc_MB:0.0 buffer_MB:0.1 cached_buffer_MB:0.0
Alloc_variable_bucket_80 allocs:9 alloc_MB:0.0 buffer_MB:0.1 cached_buffer_MB:0.0
Alloc_variable_bucket_88 allocs:24 alloc_MB:0.0 buffer_MB:0.1 cached_buffer_MB:0.0
Alloc_variable_bucket_104 allocs:37 alloc_MB:0.0 buffer_MB:0.1 cached_buffer_MB:0.0
Alloc_variable_bucket_128 allocs:10 alloc_MB:0.0 buffer_MB:0.1 cached_buffer_MB:0.0
Alloc_variable_bucket_480 allocs:4 alloc_MB:0.0 buffer_MB:0.1 cached_buffer_MB:0.0
Alloc_variable_bucket_1168 allocs:1 alloc_MB:0.0 buffer_MB:0.1 cached_buffer_MB:0.0
Alloc_variable_bucket_3528 allocs:1 alloc_MB:0.0 buffer_MB:0.1 cached_buffer_MB:0.0
Alloc_variable_bucket_4504 allocs:0 alloc_MB:0.0 buffer_MB:0.1 cached_buffer_MB:0.1
Alloc_variable_bucket_5680 allocs:1 alloc_MB:0.0 buffer_MB:0.1 cached_buffer_MB:0.0
Alloc_variable_allocated 0.0 MB Memory currently active from the variable length allocator.
Successful_read_queries 0 Number of read queries which have successfully run since server startup.
Successful_write_queries 0 Number of write queries which have successfully run since server startup.
Failed_read_queries 0 Number of read queries which have failed since server startup.
Failed_write_queries 0 Number of write queries which have failed since server startup.
Rows_returned_by_reads 0 Number of rows returned by read queries since server startup.
Rows_affected_by_writes 0 Number of rows affected by write queries since server startup.
Execution_time_of_reads 0 ms Total wall-time of all read queries since server startup.
Execution_time_of_write 0 ms Total wall-time of all writer queries since server startup.
Transaction_buffer_wait_time 0 ms Provides a view into transaction buffer log performance. For more information, see the Using Durability and Recovery topic.
Transaction_log_flush_wait_time 0 ms Cumulative amount of time commits have been waiting to flush to disk or across the network, if the database is running with sync durability or sync replication. For async, the value of Transaction_log_flush_wait_time should always be 0.
Row_lock_wait_time 0 ms Cumulative amount of time spent waiting on row locks by any write query.
Free_io_pool_memory Max 16 MB Size of cached free buffers, which tracks how much memory in the IO pool is currently not in use. The maximum limit applies to each pool per partition on a node and can shrink if memory is reused. This variable can only be used to view the unused IO pool memory.
Total_io_pool_memory Max 16 MB Total size of all buffers allocated by the IO pool for that partition, including buffers currently in use and free buffers in Free_io_pool_memory. The maximum limit applies to each pool per partition on a node and does not shrink from its high value. This variable can only be used to view the total IO pool size.