Outdated Version

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MemSQL Ops has been deprecated

Please follow this guide to learn how to migrate to SingleStore tools.


SingleStore Managed Service does not support this command.

Available since MemSQL Ops version 4.0.31.

Update the root password for a SingleStore DB node.


usage: memsql-ops memsql-update-root-password [--settings-file SETTINGS_FILE]
                                              [--async] [--no-prompt]
                                              [-p [PASSWORD]]
                                              [--no-confirmation] [--force]

Update the root password for a SingleStore DB node.

positional arguments:
  memsql_id             The ID of the SingleStore DB node.

optional arguments:
  --settings-file SETTINGS_FILE
                        A path to a MemSQL Ops settings.conf file. If not set,
                        we will use the file in the same directory as the
                        MemSQL Ops binary.
  --async               If this option is true, we will exit without waiting
                        for MemSQL Ops to finish updating the root password.
  --no-prompt           Skip interactive prompts if ID is not provided. This
                        should be used for non-interactive scripts and
  -p [PASSWORD], --password [PASSWORD]
                        The password to use for the root user on the SingleStore DB
                        node. Leave blank to read the MEMSQL_PASSWORD
                        environment variable, or have a password prompt if
                        MEMSQL_PASSWORD is not set. Note: empty string value
                        clears the password for root.
  --no-confirmation     If this option is specified, we will update the root
                        password without prompting for confirmation.
  --force               If this is true, we will set the password in MemSQL
                        Ops even if we cannot currently connect to SingleStore DB.


  • To configure the password on all nodes in a cluster, run:

    memsql-ops memsql-list -q | xargs -n 1 memsql-ops memsql-update-root-password --no-confirmation -p <password>
  • When using MemSQL 6.7 and MemSQL Ops 6.0.11 or later, changing the root password is an online operation for both aggregators and leaves; otherwise, it should be considered an offline operation. See Configuring the root password for more information.

  • If you are running MemSQL Ops 6.0.10 or older and/or MemSQL 6.0 or older, see the previous version of this topic for additional instructions when running memsql-update-root-password.