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Setup MemSQL Studio min read

MemSQL Studio allows you to easily monitor, debug, and interact with all of your MemSQL clusters. This step shows you how to setup Studio on an existing host in your cluster.


Standalone installation and usage instructions for MemSQL Studio can also be found here.

Start MemSQL Studio

Because you downloaded and installed MemSQL Studio with the other MemSQL packages, you only need to start it.

SSH into your main deployment host and run the following:

sudo systemctl start memsql-studio

If your Linux distribution does not use systemd, you can run MemSQL Studio directly.

sudo memsql-studio &

Add A New Cluster to MemSQL Studio

  1. With MemSQL Studio running, go to http://<main_deployment_host>:8080 and click Add New Cluster to setup a cluster.


    MemSQL Studio is only supported on Chrome and Firefox browsers at this time.

    To run Studio on a different port, add port = <port_name> to /etc/memsql/memsql-studio.hcl and restart Studio.

  2. Paste the main deployment host IP address into Hostname.

  3. Set Port to 3306.

  4. Specify root as the Username.

  5. Enter the Password you set in the setup-cluster step from the previous page.

  6. Click Create Cluster Profile and set Type as Development.

  7. Fill in Cluster Name and Description to your preference.

After you have successfully logged in, you will see the dashboard for your cluster. To run a query against your cluster, navigate to the SQL Editor through the navigation in the left pane.