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Get a property of a MemSQL node.


Get a property of a MemSQL node

  memsql-admin describe-node [flags]

  -a, --all                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Describe all nodes in the cluster
  -h, --help                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Help for describe-node
      --memsql-id MemsqlID                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   MemSQL ID to describe
      --property {MemsqlID, Role, ProcessState, Version, Memsqld, MemsqlConfig, Port, BindAddress, Datadir, Tracelogsdir, Plancachedir, Auditlogsdir, IsConnectable, Pid, DPid, AutoRestartEnabled, RecoveryState, AvailabilityGroup, Host, NodeID, Config[.${CONFIG_NAME}], Variables[.${VARIABLE_NAME}]}   Only output the value of this property (default Unspecified)

Global Flags:
      --backup-cache FILE_PATH              File path for the backup cache
      --cache-file FILE_PATH                File path for the Toolbox node cache
  -c, --config FILE_PATH                    Toolbox configuration file path
      --disable-spinner                     Disable the progress spinner, which some terminal sessions/environments may have issues with
  -j, --json                                Enable JSON output
      --parallelism POSITIVE_INTEGER        Maximum number of operations to run in parallel
      --runtime-dir DIRECTORY_PATH          Where to store Toolbox runtime data
      --ssh-max-sessions POSITIVE_INTEGER   Maximum number of SSH sessions to open per host, must be at least 3
      --state-file FILE_PATH                Toolbox state file path
  -v, --verbosity count                     Increase logging verbosity: valid values are 1, 2, 3. Usage -v=count or --verbosity=count
  -y, --yes                                 Enable non-interactive mode and assume the user would like to move forward with the proposed actions by default


This command is interactive unless you use either the --yes or --json flags to override interactive behavior.


In the example output below you can see the types of information this command returns. For example the MemSQL ID is listed, which is used in many other memsql-admin commands. We can also see this information was collected for the master aggregator node, because the role indicates: Master.

Additionally the config, data, plancache, logs, and the binary are all at their default paths, which includes a node-specific hash. If you are using a config management system then you might need to customize these paths. They can be configured either as engine variables, or in the memsqlctl state and config files.

memsql-admin describe-node --memsql-id 0203BA8679
| memsqlId           | 0203BA86790EE0155CA6DC29B2C827FC936E53A9                                           |
| host               | node1                                                                              |
| role               | Leaf                                                                               |
| port               | 3308                                                                               |
| bindAddress        |                                                                            |
| processState       | Running                                                                            |
| version            | 7.0.7                                                                              |
| memsqlConfig       | /var/lib/memsql/a3e6b7e2-adb0-4b22-ba24-2162f7c33f5a/memsql.cnf                    |
| datadir            | /var/lib/memsql/a3e6b7e2-adb0-4b22-ba24-2162f7c33f5a/data                          |
| plancachedir       | /var/lib/memsql/a3e6b7e2-adb0-4b22-ba24-2162f7c33f5a/plancache                     |
| tracelogsdir       | /var/lib/memsql/a3e6b7e2-adb0-4b22-ba24-2162f7c33f5a/tracelogs                     |
| auditlogsdir       | /var/lib/memsql/a3e6b7e2-adb0-4b22-ba24-2162f7c33f5a/auditlogs                     |
| memsqld            | /opt/memsql-server-7.0.7-650c2f15ca/memsqld                                        |
| pid                | 3407                                                                               |
| dpid               | 3413                                                                               |
| autoRestartEnabled | true                                                                               |
| isConnectable      | true                                                                               |
| recoveryState      | Online                                                                             |
| availabilityGroup  | 1                                                                                  |
| config             | Omitted from table view. Use 'memsql-admin describe-node ... --property config'    |
| variables          | Omitted from table view. Use 'memsql-admin describe-node ... --property variables' |