Outdated Version

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Show the list of variable bindings.


[LIKE 'pattern' | WHERE expr]



See the list of engine variables


| Variable_name                                | Value                                                                        |
| activities_delta_sleep_s                     | 1                                                                            |
| aggregator_failure_detection                 | ON                                                                           |
| auditlog_level                               | OFF                                                                          |
| auditlog_rotation_size                       | 134217728                                                                    |
| auditlog_rotation_time                       | 3600                                                                         |
| auto_replicate                               | OFF                                                                          |
| autocommit                                   | ON                                                                           |
| basedir                                      | /var/lib/memsql/master-3306-MIc3a4293a                                       |
| character_set_client                         | utf8                                                                         |
| character_set_connection                     | utf8                                                                         |
| character_set_filesystem                     | binary                                                                       |
| character_set_results                        | utf8                                                                         |
| character_set_server                         | utf8                                                                         |
| character_sets_dir                           | /var/lib/memsql/master-3306-MIc3a4293a/share/charsets/                       |
| collation_connection                         | utf8_general_ci                                                              |
| collation_database                           | utf8_general_ci                                                              |
| collation_server                             | utf8_general_ci                                                              |
| columnstore_flush_bytes                      | 33554432                                                                     |
| columnstore_ingest_management_queue_timeout  | 3600                                                                         |
| columnstore_segment_rows                     | 102400                                                                       |
| columnstore_window_size                      | 2147483648                                                                   |
| compat_version                               |                                                                              |
| compile_only                                 | OFF                                                                          |
| connect_timeout                              | 10                                                                           |
| core_file                                    | ON                                                                           |
| core_file_mode                               | PARTIAL                                                                      |
| critical_diagnostics                         | ON                                                                           |
| datadir                                      | /var/lib/memsql/master-3306-MIc3a4293a/data                                  |
| default_autostats_enabled                    | ON                                                                           |
| default_partitions_per_leaf                  | 4                                                                            |
| distributed_commit_lock_timeout              | 18446744073709551615                                                         |
| enable_columnstore_ingest_management         | ON                                                                           |
| enable_experimental_metrics                  | OFF                                                                          |
| error_count                                  | 0                                                                            |
| explain_expression_limit                     | 500                                                                          |
| external_user                                |                                                                              |
| flush_before_replicate                       | OFF                                                                          |
| forwarded_query                              | OFF                                                                          |
| general_log                                  | OFF                                                                          |
| geo_sphere_radius                            | 6367444.657120                                                               |
| gssapi_keytab_path                           |                                                                              |
| gssapi_principal_name                        |                                                                              |
| hostname                                     | ma                                                                           |
| identity                                     | 0                                                                            |
| lc_messages                                  | en_US                                                                        |
| lc_messages_dir                              | /var/lib/memsql/master-3306-MIc3a4293a/share                                 |
| leaf_failure_detection                       | ON                                                                           |
| load_data_max_buffer_size                    | 1073741823                                                                   |
| load_data_read_size                          | 8192                                                                         |
| load_data_write_size                         | 8192                                                                         |
| lock_wait_timeout                            | 60                                                                           |
| master_aggregator                            | self                                                                         |
| max_allowed_packet                           | 104857600                                                                    |
| max_connection_threads                       | 192                                                                          |
| max_connections                              | 100000                                                                       |
| max_pooled_connections                       | 1024                                                                         |
| max_prefetch_threads                         | 1                                                                            |
| max_prepared_stmt_count                      | 16382                                                                        |
| max_user_connections                         | 0                                                                            |
| maximum_memory                               | 7187                                                                         |
| maximum_table_memory                         | 6163                                                                         |
| memsql_id                                    | 2892D22D291499464E33E97A4EDA8F552EB32D5C                                     |
| memsql_version                               | 6.0.17                                                                       |
| memsql_version_date                          | Wed Feb 28 17:49:35 2018 -0800                                               |
| memsql_version_hash                          | e351523bd8caf3bb2f5d2c937213df9f71eaaef2                                     |
| minimal_disk_space                           | 100                                                                          |
| multi_insert_tuple_count                     | 20000                                                                        |
| net_buffer_length                            | 102400                                                                       |
| net_read_timeout                             | 3600                                                                         |
| net_write_timeout                            | 3600                                                                         |
| pid_file                                     | /var/lib/memsql/master-3306-MIc3a4293a/data/memsqld.pid                      |
| pipelines_batches_metadata_to_keep           | 1000                                                                         |
| pipelines_extractor_debug_logging            | OFF                                                                          |
| pipelines_kafka_version                      |                                                                      |
| pipelines_max_concurrent                     | 50                                                                           |
| pipelines_max_concurrent_batch_partitions    | 0                                                                            |
| pipelines_max_errors_per_partition           | 1000                                                                         |
| pipelines_max_offsets_per_batch_partition    | 1000000                                                                      |
| pipelines_max_retries_per_batch_partition    | 4                                                                            |
| pipelines_stderr_bufsize                     | 65535                                                                        |
| pipelines_stop_on_error                      | ON                                                                           |
| plan_expiration_minutes                      | 720                                                                          |
| port                                         | 3306                                                                         |
| protocol_version                             | 10                                                                           |
| proxy_user                                   |                                                                              |
| query_parallelism                            | 0                                                                            |
| read_advanced_counters                       | OFF                                                                          |
| redundancy_level                             | 1                                                                            |
| reported_hostname                            |                                                                              |
| saml_assertion_audience                      |                                                                              |
| saml_message_recipient                       |                                                                              |
| saml_private_decryption_key                  |                                                                              |
| saml_require_encryption                      | OFF                                                                          |
| saml_require_signature_validation            | OFF                                                                          |
| saml_use_NameID                              | OFF                                                                          |
| saml_user_name_attribute                     |                                                                              |
| saml_x509_certificate                        |                                                                              |
| secure_file_priv                             |                                                                              |
| show_query_parameters                        | ON                                                                           |
| skip_name_resolve                            | AUTO                                                                         |
| snapshot_trigger_size                        | 268435456                                                                    |
| snapshots_to_keep                            | 2                                                                            |
| socket                                       | /var/lib/memsql/master-3306-MIc3a4293a/data/memsql.sock                      |
| sql_quote_show_create                        | ON                                                                           |
| sql_select_limit                             | 18446744073709551615                                                         |
| ssl_ca                                       |                                                                              |
| ssl_capath                                   |                                                                              |
| ssl_cert                                     |                                                                              |
| ssl_cipher                                   |                                                                              |
| ssl_key                                      |                                                                              |
| sync_slave_timeout                           | 10000                                                                        |
| system_time_zone                             | UTC                                                                          |
| thread_cache_size                            | 0                                                                            |
| thread_handling                              | one-thread-per-connection                                                    |
| thread_stack                                 | 1048576                                                                      |
| time_zone                                    | SYSTEM                                                                       |
| timestamp                                    | 1520981049.457214                                                            |
| tls_version                                  | TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2                                                        |
| tmpdir                                       | .                                                                            |
| trancount                                    | 0                                                                            |
| transaction_buffer                           | 67108864                                                                     |
| tx_isolation                                 | READ-COMMITTED                                                               |
| use_join_bucket_bit_vector                   | ON                                                                           |
| use_vectorized_join                          | ON                                                                           |
| version                                      | 5.5.8                                                                        |
| version_comment                              | MemSQL source distribution (compatible; MySQL Enterprise & MySQL Commercial) |
| version_compile_machine                      | x86_64                                                                       |
| version_compile_os                           | Linux                                                                        |
| warn_level                                   | WARNINGS                                                                     |
| warning_count                                | 0                                                                            |
| workload_management                          | ON                                                                           |
| workload_management_expected_aggregators     | 0                                                                            |
| workload_management_max_connections_per_leaf | 10000                                                                        |
| workload_management_max_queue_depth          | 100                                                                          |
| workload_management_max_threads_per_leaf     | 8192                                                                         |
| workload_management_queue_time_warning_ratio | 0.500000                                                                     |
| workload_management_queue_timeout            | 3600                                                                         |
137 rows in set (0.00 sec)