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Casts the input to the given datatype. There is usually no visible effect on the printed value; what changes is the rules for comparison and sorting.


CONVERT (input, {BINARY | CHAR | DATE | DATETIME[(prec)] | DECIMAL[(prec [, scale])] | TIME[(prec)] | SIGNED [INTEGER] | UNSIGNED [INTEGER]})
CAST (input AS {BINARY | CHAR | DATE | DATETIME[(prec)] | DECIMAL[(prec [, scale])] | TIME[(prec)] | SIGNED [INTEGER] | UNSIGNED [INTEGER]})

Return Type

The return type is the datatype that was specified in the command.


memsql> select convert(-123, UNSIGNED);
| convert(-123, UNSIGNED) |
|    18446744073709551493 |

memsql> select '2019-01-01', cast('2019-01-01' AS TIME);
| 2019-01-01 | cast('2019-01-01' AS TIME) |
| 2019-01-01 | 00:20:19                   |