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Configure Alerts min read

The following is the simplest implementation of the memsql-report command and will use the default thresholds. You may also configure your own thresholds for the checkers.

The following command will set up alerts to the SMTP server (which was installed and configured in the previous step) and will generate and send an alert exactly once to the location specified in the JSON file. This “one-liner” is a convenient method for testing your configuration before officially scheduling your alerts.

memsql-report send-alert --alert-location alertconfig.yaml

Refer to memsql-report send-alert for more information on the available command-line arguments.


If you receive a timeout error, confirm that the port you are using for your SMTP (in this case, Postfix) is open and listening. The default Postfix port is 25. If it is blocked on your host, you can change the port that Postfix uses by editing the first line of the /etc/postfix/master.cf file.

Find the first instance of the word smtp in this file and replace smtp with the port number that is available. For example:

smtp     inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd

Changing smtp to 1025 will change the smtp port to 1025.

1025     inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd

If you change this port, you will also need to update the port in your alert configuration file to use the same port.

After making this changes to the master.cf file, reload Postfix:

sudo postfix reload