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Atomically replace a view with a new view defined by a SELECT statement. ALTER VIEW is an online operation and will not cause concurrently executing queries to fail.


    [DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }]
    VIEW view_name [(column_list)]
    AS select_statement


  • ALTER VIEW atomically replaces view view_name with a new view defined by select_statement.
  • ALTER VIEW privileges are granted only to the user who created the view and to SUPER users. If a SUPER user alters a view, that user commandeers ALTER privileges from the user who created the view.
  • The DEFINER clause is used to modify the user to be used for security checks when a view is referenced by a query. While modifying the DEFINER, the view body must be specified in the query.
  • The user who runs ALTER DEFINER..VIEW must have the SUPER permission.


ALTER VIEW view1 AS SELECT * FROM customers WHERE user_id LIKE "CUS%";
ALTER DEFINER=`user7`@`` VIEW view1 AS SELECT * FROM customers WHERE user_id LIKE "CUS%";

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