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Managing High Availability min read


This topic does not apply to MemSQL Helios.


If you are managing your cluster with MemSQL Ops, go here instead.

This topic describes MemSQL’s High Availability (HA) model and how to operate within it.

In MemSQL, the availability layer is responsible for mapping partitions to leaves (both masters and replicas) and is managed through a series of SQL commands that let you inspect and modify its state. Before continuing, you should familiarize yourself with some key concepts: leaf nodes, partitions, recovery, and durability.

High Availability Architecture

MemSQL exposes two modes of operation: redundancy-1 and redundancy-2 (see Administering a Cluster). In redundancy-1, there are no extra online copies of your data (all partitions are masters). In the event of a leaf node failure, your data is offline until you reintroduce the leaf back into the system. If your leaf node is irrecoverably lost, you can use the REBALANCE PARTITIONS … FORCE command to create empty replacement partitions instead of recovering your data. In redundancy-2, MemSQL handles node failures by promoting the appropriate replica partitions into masters so that your databases remain online. Of course, if all of your machines fail, then your data is unavailable until you recover enough machines or recreate the cluster from scratch. Each redundancy mode has an expected, balanced state.

When you recover a leaf in redundancy-1, by default it will be reintroduced to the cluster, with all the data that was on it restored.

Similarly, when you recover a leaf in redundancy-2, by default it will be reintroduced to the cluster. For each partition on that leaf one of the following things will happen:

  • If that is the only instance of that partition (in other words, if the pair of this leaf is also down), the partition will be reintroduced to the cluster.
  • If there is another instance of that partition on the pair of the leaf, the newly recovered instance will become a replica to the existing partition instance. If there is any data divergence between the two instances, the partition instance on the newly recovered leaf will be discarded, and a new replica partition instance will be introduced, with data replicated from the existing copy.
  • If there is another instance of that partition, but it is on a leaf that is not the pair of the recovered leaf, then the recovered partition instance will be marked as an orphan.

You can disable the master aggregator from automatically attaching leaves that become visible by setting a global variable auto_attach to Off. In this case you will need to manually run ATTACH LEAF to move that leaf into the online state once it is available. See Attaching - Examples below to see both automatic and manual approaches in action.


Every high availability command in MemSQL is online. As the command runs, you can continue to read and write to your data.


High availability commands can only be run on the master aggregator.

Enabling High Availability

Enabling HA on existing leaf nodes

The MemSQL management tools support enabling high availability through the sdb-admin enable-high-availability command.

sdb-admin enable-high-availability [--password <secure-password>]

During this process, half of the leaves in the cluster from the availability group 1 will move into the availability group 2. This is considered an offline operation. As all partitions of all databases will be duplicated, each leaf node needs at least 50% free memory and disk space. In addition, the cluster must have an even number of leaves.

If you need to add more nodes to the cluster, we recommend doing it before enabling High Availability.

You can verify high availability has been enabled by seeing more details on your leaf nodes through sdb-admin list-nodes.

sdb-admin list-nodes
| MemSQL ID  |    Role    | Host  | Port | Process State | Connectable? | Version | Recovery State | Availability Group |
| D24FA96083 | Master     | node1 | 3306 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         |                    |
| F3E5FDB741 | Aggregator | node2 | 3306 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         |                    |
| 5B536C630D | Leaf       | node3 | 3306 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         | 1                  |
| 9156C4C91F | Leaf       | node4 | 3306 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         | 2                  |
| 92CC911954 | Leaf       | node4 | 3307 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         | 2                  |
| DD82C2B35E | Leaf       | node3 | 3307 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         | 1                  |

Enabling HA with new leaf nodes

When you add new nodes to a cluster that does not have high availability already enabled, you must perform the following steps to change your cluster configuration and also configure the new leaf nodes appropriately.

Step 1. Update the redundancy_level value

On the master aggregator run:

memsql> SET @@GLOBAL.redundancy_level = 2;

This updates the current configuration and sets the cluster to run in redundancy-2 operation mode.

In addition, update the MemSQL configuration file on the master aggregator to make sure the change is not lost whenever it is restarted.

Unlike in previous versions of MemSQL, redundancy_level can only be set on the master aggregator.

sdb-admin list-nodes --role master -q | xargs -I % sdb-admin update-config --memsql-id % --key redundancy_level --value 2 --set-global -y

Step 2. Deploy new nodes

The cluster is now running in redundancy-2 operation mode, however all existing leaves belong to the availability group 1.

At this point, start an equal number of new nodes as the current number of leaf nodes. For clusters managed by the MemSQL management tool sdb-admin, create and assign the new nodes as leaf nodes. If you are managing your cluster with MemSQL Ops, deploy MemSQL Ops agents on all of the new nodes.

The following shows how to add two leaf nodes using sdb-admin. The current cluster has two leaf nodes.

sdb-admin list-nodes
| MemSQL ID  |    Role    | Host  | Port | Process State | Connectable? | Version | Recovery State | Availability Group |
| 43F1B836D3 | Master     | node1 | 3306 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         |                    |
| E4921A995C | Aggregator | node1 | 3307 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         |                    |
| 74BBE83C45 | Leaf       | node1 | 3308 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         | 1                  |
| A6D82670D8 | Leaf       | node1 | 3309 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         | 1                  |

For demonstration purposes, the following shows how to add two new local leaf nodes.

sdb-admin create-node --port 3310 -y
sdb-admin create-node --port 3311 -y

Because new nodes default to the role of “unknown”, you can assign them as leaf nodes using bash piping.

sdb-admin list-nodes -q -r unknown | xargs -I % sdb-admin add-leaf --memsql-id %  -y

Now verify that the new nodes are added, but added in availability group 2.

sdb-admin list-nodes
| MemSQL ID  |    Role    | Host  | Port | Process State | Connectable? | Version | Recovery State | Availability Group |
| 43F1B836D3 | Master     | node1 | 3306 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         |                    |
| E4921A995C | Aggregator | node1 | 3307 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         |                    |
| 4DAE7D1F54 | Leaf       | node1 | 3310 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         | 2                  |
| 52CA34CD0C | Leaf       | node1 | 3311 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         | 2                  |
| 74BBE83C45 | Leaf       | node1 | 3308 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         | 1                  |
| A6D82670D8 | Leaf       | node1 | 3309 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         | 1                  |

Step 3. Rebalance the cluster

Finally, you need to rebalance the cluster, by running REBALANCE PARTITIONS for all your databases. On the master aggregator, you can run the following script:

for DB in `memsql -u root -h --batch --skip-pager --skip-column-names --execute="SHOW DATABASES" | grep -vE "^(memsql|information_schema|sharding)$"`
  echo "Rebalancing partitions on DB $DB"
  memsql -u root -h --batch --execute "REBALANCE PARTITIONS ON $DB"

Note that, before running REBALANCE PARTITIONS , only 1 master partition is still available for each database, which means high availability is not yet provided. For instance:

memsql> SHOW PARTITIONS ON memsql_demo;
| Ordinal | Host  | Port | Role   | Locked |
|       0 | node1 | 3308 | Master |      0 |
|       1 | node1 | 3309 | Master |      0 |
|       2 | node1 | 3308 | Master |      0 |
|       3 | node1 | 3309 | Master |      0 |
|       0 | node1 | 3310 | Master |      0 |
|       1 | node1 | 3311 | Master |      0 |
|       2 | node1 | 3310 | Master |      0 |
|       3 | node1 | 3311 | Master |      0 |
8 rows in set (0.01 sec)
memsql> REBALANCE partitions on memsql_demo;
Query OK, 1 row affected (1 min 10.19 sec)

After running REBALANCE PARTITIONS, notice that both Master and replica partitions exist within the database cluster.

memsql> SHOW PARTITIONS ON memsql_demo;
| Ordinal | Host  | Port | Role   | Locked |
|       0 | node1 | 3308 | Slave  |      0 |
|       1 | node1 | 3309 | Slave  |      0 |
|       2 | node1 | 3308 | Master |      0 |
|       3 | node1 | 3309 | Master |      0 |
|       0 | node1 | 3310 | Master |      0 |
|       1 | node1 | 3311 | Master |      0 |
|       2 | node1 | 3310 | Slave  |      0 |
|       3 | node1 | 3311 | Slave  |      0 |
8 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Disabling High Availability

To disable High Availability, all leaves in availability group 2 need to be deleted and either removed from the cluster or re-added into the availability group 1.

Step 1. Remove all leaves in availability group 2

Connect to MemSQL on the master aggregator and list the leaves to find the ones in availability group 2.

sdb-admin list-nodes -r leaf
| MemSQL ID  |    Role    | Host  | Port | Process State | Connectable? | Version | Recovery State | Availability Group |
| 4DAE7D1F54 | Leaf       | node1 | 3310 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Recovering     | 2                  |
| 52CA34CD0C | Leaf       | node1 | 3311 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         | 2                  |
| 74BBE83C45 | Leaf       | node1 | 3308 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         | 1                  |
| A6D82670D8 | Leaf       | node1 | 3309 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         | 1                  |

Then run sdb-admin remove-leaf on each leaf in availability group 2:

sdb-admin remove-leaf --memsql-id 4DAE7D1F54 -y
sdb-admin remove-leaf --memsql-id 52CA34CD0C -y

Run sdb-admin list-nodes again to verify only the two leaves in availability group 1 are listed.

sdb-admin list-nodes -r leaf
| MemSQL ID  | Role | Host  | Port | Process State | Connectable? | Version | Recovery State | Availability Group |
| 74BBE83C45 | Leaf | node1 | 3308 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         | 1                  |
| A6D82670D8 | Leaf | node1 | 3309 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         | 1                  |

Step 2. Update the redundancy_level value

On the master aggregator run:

memsql> SET @@GLOBAL.redundancy_level = 1;

This updates the current configuration and sets the cluster to run in redundancy-1 operation mode.

In addition, update the MemSQL configuration file on the master aggregator to make sure the change is not lost whenever it is restarted.

sdb-admin list-nodes --role master -q | xargs -I % sdb-admin update-config --memsql-id % --key redundancy_level --value 1 --set-global -y

Step 3. Re-add leaves into availability group 1 (optional)

Optionally, you can re-add the deleted leaves into the availability group 1. This also requires rebalancing partitions and clearing the orphan ones.

List the nodes in your cluster so you know which ones to add back in:

sdb-admin list-nodes
| MemSQL ID  |    Role    | Host  | Port | Process State | Connectable? | Version | Recovery State | Availability Group |
| 43F1B836D3 | Master     | node1 | 3306 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         |                    |
| E4921A995C | Aggregator | node1 | 3307 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         |                    |
| 74BBE83C45 | Leaf       | node1 | 3308 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         | 1                  |
| A6D82670D8 | Leaf       | node1 | 3309 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         | 1                  |
| 4DAE7D1F54 | Unknown    | node1 | 3310 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Recovering     |                    |
| 52CA34CD0C | Unknown    | node1 | 3311 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Recovering     |                    |

To re-add the leaves into the availability group 1, run the following on the leaf nodes you previous removed:

sdb-admin add-leaf --memsql-id 4DAE7D1F54
sdb-admin add-leaf --memsql-id 52CA34CD0C

Run sdb-admin list-nodes one more time to show the leaves added back into the cluster, but in availability group 1.

sdb-admin list-nodes
| MemSQL ID  |    Role    | Host  | Port | Process State | Connectable? | Version | Recovery State | Availability Group |
| 43F1B836D3 | Master     | node1 | 3306 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         |                    |
| E4921A995C | Aggregator | node1 | 3307 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         |                    |
| 4DAE7D1F54 | Leaf       | node1 | 3310 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Recovering     | 1                  |
| 52CA34CD0C | Leaf       | node1 | 3311 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Recovering     | 1                  |
| 74BBE83C45 | Leaf       | node1 | 3308 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         | 1                  |
| A6D82670D8 | Leaf       | node1 | 3309 | Running       | True         | 6.7.7   | Online         | 1                  |

Next, rebalance the cluster by running REBALANCE PARTITIONS for all databases. On the master aggregator, you can run the following script:

for DB in `memsql -u root -h --batch --skip-pager --skip-column-names --execute="SHOW DATABASES" | grep -vE "^(memsql|information_schema|sharding)$"`
  echo "Rebalancing partitions on DB $DB"
  memsql -u root -h --batch --execute "REBALANCE PARTITIONS ON $DB"

The cluster will now contain orphan partitions - in fact, the old replica partitions. Orphan partitions can be shown by running SHOW CLUSTER STATUS, and deleted by running on the master aggregator:


High Availability Commands

Summary of High Availability Commands

High-level Commands

Use the following commands to manage high availability in MemSQL:

For more information, see Administering a Cluster.

Working with Leaves

Leaf Nodes are responsible for storing slices of data in the distributed system. Each leaf is just a MemSQL single-box server consisting of several Partitions – each partition is just a database on that server. If you have a database named test and run SHOW DATABASES on a leaf, you will see names resembling test_5 (this would be partition 5 for database test).

Use the following commands to work with leaves:

  • ADD LEAF adds previously unknown nodes into the cluster.
  • REMOVE LEAF first rebalances away a leaf node’s partitions and then removes it from the list of - leaves in SHOW LEAVES.
  • ATTACH LEAF transitions a detached node back into the online state (see Leaf States). It can also be used to introduce a new, previously unknown node, to the cluster. In that case, unlike ADD LEAF, ATTACH LEAF will analyze the data present on the leaf node and try to reintroduce it back into the system if possible. In redundancy-2, ATTACH LEAF will automatically rebalance partitions between a node and its pair to equalize the number of master and replica partitions across the pair. This is an example of an HA command converging the state of the cluster towards balance.
  • DETACH LEAF transitions the leaf to the detached state instead of removing it.

You should run REMOVE LEAF on leaves that you no longer wish to track as part of the distributed system. If you plan to run maintenance on a machine and want to temporarily relieve it from serving data, you should detach it first, perform the necessary maintenance, restart it, and then use ATTACH LEAF to reintroduce it. ATTACH LEAF will automatically recover what data it can from the machine and rebalance partitions with its pair to restore balance.

During or after running ATTACH LEAF , REMOVE LEAF , or DETACH LEAF , you can run SHOW REBALANCE STATUS STATUS ON db on any database to see what low-level partition operations the aggregator ran as part of the operation.

Rebalancing the Cluster

HA operations in MemSQL generate a rebalance plan: a series of low-level commands that converge the cluster towards a balanced state. A redundancy-1 cluster is balanced if every online leaf has an equal number of partitions. A redundancy-2 cluster is balanced if every pair of leaves has an equal number of partitions, and, within a pair, each leaf has an equal number of master and replica partitions.

Since partitions are per-database, each rebalance plan is also per-database. ATTACH LEAF , REMOVE LEAF , DETACH LEAF , and REBALANCE PARTITIONS all work this way.


MemSQL will never auto-rebalance your data in the background. In the event of a failure, MemSQL will promote the partitions that it needs to bring the database back online. Once you’ve recovered or recreated the failed leaf nodes, you can proceed by running the relevant HA commands to rebalance the cluster. This model enables you to trigger a complex rebalance operation with a simple SQL command, and it also prevents expensive background work from affecting the performance of your application without your explicit administrative consent.

The REBALANCE PARTITIONS command examines the state of partitions and leaves for a particular database, generates a plan to rebalance the partitions across the online leaves, and executes that plan. You can use the EXPLAIN REBALANCE PARTITIONS ON db to view the plan that REBALANCE PARTITIONS on db would execute. If this command returns an empty result, then the database is balanced. The following is an example output from EXPLAIN REBALANCE PARTITIONS run on a small sample cluster:

| Action            | Ordinal | Target_Host | Target_Port | Phase |
| COPY PARTITION    |       1 | leaf-6      |        3306 |     2 |
| COPY PARTITION    |       3 | leaf-8      |        3306 |     2 |
| COPY PARTITION    |       5 | leaf-6      |        3306 |     2 |
| COPY PARTITION    |       7 | leaf-8      |        3306 |     2 |
| PROMOTE PARTITION |       1 | leaf-6      |        3306 |     6 |
| PROMOTE PARTITION |       3 | leaf-8      |        3306 |     6 |
| COPY PARTITION    |       1 | leaf-2      |        3306 |     7 |
| COPY PARTITION    |       3 | leaf-4      |        3306 |     7 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Each action corresponds to a low-level command described in Low Level Commands . The Ordinal is the target partition’s ordinal, and the Target_Host and Target_Port correspond to the destination leaf. Any two operations in the same Phase can be run in parallel and phases are run in order. For example, the aggregator can run COPY PARTITION on partitions test:1 and test:3 in parallel. The exact meaning of what each phase means is arbitrary and depends on the particular rebalance operation.

To execute this plan (assuming the state of the cluster does not change before you proceed), you can run the REBALANCE PARTITIONS command:

Query OK, 1 row affected (9.80 sec)

The main use-case for the REBALANCE PARTITIONS command is to rebalance data onto new leaf nodes in the cluster. This situation can arise from adding new leaf nodes to the cluster to expand capacity, or if leaf nodes terminate irrecoverably and you wish to replace them with new nodes. For common leaf-failure scenarios, ATTACH LEAF will automatically perform the necessary rebalance operations on the affected leaf nodes.

Although rebalance operations can take some time to complete, you can continue to read and write data to the database while it runs (the operation is online). While REBALANCE PARTITIONS runs, use the SHOW REBALANCE STATUS command to examine its running state:

| Action            | Ordinal | Target_Host | Target_Port | Phase | Status    | Running_Time |
| COPY PARTITION    |       1 | leaf-6      |        3306 |     2 | running   |         1574 |
| COPY PARTITION    |       3 | leaf-8      |        3306 |     2 | running   |         1574 |
| COPY PARTITION    |       5 | leaf-6      |        3306 |     2 | running   |         1574 |
| COPY PARTITION    |       7 | leaf-8      |        3306 |     2 | running   |         1574 |
| PROMOTE PARTITION |       1 | leaf-6      |        3306 |     6 | scheduled |         NULL |
| PROMOTE PARTITION |       3 | leaf-8      |        3306 |     6 | scheduled |         NULL |
| COPY PARTITION    |       1 | leaf-2      |        3306 |     7 | scheduled |         NULL |
| COPY PARTITION    |       3 | leaf-4      |        3306 |     7 | scheduled |         NULL |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The output is the same as EXPLAIN REBALANCE PARTITIONS with the addition of two new columns. Status is one of scheduled, running, or completed. For running or completed commands, Running_Time indicates the time in milliseconds that has been spent running the particular low-level command.

After REBALANCE PARTITIONS completes, SHOW REBALANCE STATUS displays a summary of the last rebalance operation until the next one is run.

| Action            | Ordinal | Target_Host | Target_Port | Phase | Status  | Running_Time |
| COPY PARTITION    |       1 | leaf-6      |        3306 |     2 | success |         2870 |
| COPY PARTITION    |       3 | leaf-8      |        3306 |     2 | success |         2903 |
| COPY PARTITION    |       5 | leaf-6      |        3306 |     2 | success |         2903 |
| COPY PARTITION    |       7 | leaf-8      |        3306 |     2 | success |         2903 |
| PROMOTE PARTITION |       1 | leaf-6      |        3306 |     6 | success |         4131 |
| PROMOTE PARTITION |       3 | leaf-8      |        3306 |     6 | success |         4165 |
| COPY PARTITION    |       1 | leaf-2      |        3306 |     7 | success |         2606 |
| COPY PARTITION    |       3 | leaf-4      |        3306 |     7 | success |         2627 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

ATTACH LEAF, REMOVE LEAF , and DETACH LEAF also generate and execute plans for every database relevant to the target leaf node.

Attaching Leaves - Examples

In this section, we will walk through a full example of running ATTACH LEAF on redundancy-1 and redundancy-2 clusters. Redundancy-1 vs. redundancy-2 clusters are explained earlier in Managing High Availability.

ATTACH LEAF In Redundancy-1

Let’s walk through a full example in a redundancy-1 cluster. This cluster has four leaves leaf-1 through leaf-4 and a database named test. In this example, leaf-4 will fail, and we will recover and reintroduce it into the system with ATTACH LEAF.

Here is the initial state of the cluster:

-- SHOW LEAVES returns all the leaves in the cluster and their current states.
memsql> SHOW LEAVES;
| Host   | Port  | Availability_Group | Pair_Host | Pair_Port | State  | Opened_Connections | Average_Roundtrip_Latency |
| leaf-1 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | online |                  2 |                     0.397 |
| leaf-2 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | online |                  2 |                     0.397 |
| leaf-3 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | online |                  2 |                     0.349 |
| leaf-4 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | online |                  2 |                     0.363 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- SHOW PARTITIONS returns all the partitions on a given database.
memsql> SHOW PARTITIONS ON test;
| Ordinal | Host   | Port  | Role   | Locked |
|       0 | leaf-1 |  3306 | Master | 0      |
|       1 | leaf-2 |  3306 | Master | 0      |
|       2 | leaf-3 |  3306 | Master | 0      |
|       3 | leaf-4 |  3306 | Master | 0      |
|       4 | leaf-1 |  3306 | Master | 0      |
|       5 | leaf-2 |  3306 | Master | 0      |
|       6 | leaf-3 |  3306 | Master | 0      |
|       7 | leaf-4 |  3306 | Master | 0      |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- and dice the partitions map.
    ->    WHERE DATABASE_NAME='test' AND Host='leaf-4';
| test          |       3 | leaf-4 | 3306 | Master | 0      | 3       | 0          | 0            | async | 5    | 4           |
| test          |       7 | leaf-4 | 3306 | Master | 0      | 3       | 0          | 0            | async | 9    | 8           |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

-- test.x has 100 consecutive values from 1 to 100.
memsql> SELECT MIN(id), MAX(id), COUNT(*) FROM test.x;
| min(id) | max(id) | count(*) |
|       1 |     100 |      100 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

If we kill the MemSQL instance on leaf-4, then leaf-4 will transition to offline in SHOW LEAVES, and partitions 3 and 7 will be unmapped on test.

memsql> SHOW LEAVES;
| Host   | Port  | Availability_Group | Pair_Host | Pair_Port | State   | Opened_Connections | Average_Roundtrip_Latency |
| leaf-1 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | online  |                  2 |                     0.414 |
| leaf-2 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | online  |                  2 |                     0.341 |
| leaf-3 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | online  |                  2 |                     0.358 |
| leaf-4 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | offline |                  0 |                      NULL |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

memsql> SHOW PARTITIONS ON test;
| Ordinal | Host   | Port  | Role   | Locked |
|       0 | leaf-1 |  3306 | Master | 0      |
|       1 | leaf-2 |  3306 | Master | 0      |
|       2 | leaf-3 |  3306 | Master | 0      |
|       3 | NULL   |  NULL | NULL   | 0      |
|       4 | leaf-1 |  3306 | Master | 0      |
|       5 | leaf-2 |  3306 | Master | 0      |
|       6 | leaf-3 |  3306 | Master | 0      |
|       7 | NULL   |  NULL | NULL   | 0      |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The database is now offline for reads and writes:

memsql> SELECT MIN(id), MAX(id), COUNT(*) FROM test.x;
ERROR 1777 (HY000): Partition test:3 has no master instance.

After restarting MemSQL on leaf-4, master aggregator will notice the leaf is reachable again and attach it back to the cluster. Leaf will automatically transition to the online state, and all the partitions on the leaf will be automatically imported.

memsql> SHOW LEAVES;
| Host   | Port  | Availability_Group | Pair_Host | Pair_Port | State  | Opened_Connections | Average_Roundtrip_Latency |
| leaf-1 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | online |                  4 |                     0.437 |
| leaf-2 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | online |                  4 |                     0.411 |
| leaf-3 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | online |                  4 |                     0.366 |
| leaf-4 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | online |                  1 |                     0.418 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- The data that was on leaf-4 is back!
memsql> SELECT MIN(id), MAX(id), COUNT(*) FROM test.x;
| min(id) | max(id) | count(*) |
|       1 |     100 |      100 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

You can disable the master aggregator from automatically moving leaves that become visible to the online state by running:

memsql> set global auto_attach = Off;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

In this case, after restarting MemSQL on leaf-4 and waiting for it to recover, instead of node being in offline state we will see it transitioning to a detached state:

-- leaf-4 is in the detached state.
memsql> SHOW LEAVES;
| Host   | Port  | Availability_Group | Pair_Host | Pair_Port | State    | Opened_Connections | Average_Roundtrip_Latency |
| leaf-1 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | online   |                  1 |                     0.467 |
| leaf-2 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | online   |                  1 |                     0.359 |
| leaf-3 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | online   |                  1 |                     0.405 |
| leaf-4 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | detached |                  1 |                     0.360 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

After that you can manually attach the leaf using ATTACH LEAF:

-- This will reintroduce leaf-4 into the system.
memsql> attach leaf 'leaf-4': 3306;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.52 sec)

-- leaf-4 is now online.
memsql> SHOW LEAVES;
| Host   | Port  | Availability_Group | Pair_Host | Pair_Port | State  | Opened_Connections | Average_Roundtrip_Latency |
| leaf-1 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | online |                  4 |                     0.437 |
| leaf-2 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | online |                  4 |                     0.411 |
| leaf-3 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | online |                  4 |                     0.366 |
| leaf-4 |  3306 |                  1 | NULL      |      NULL | online |                  1 |                     0.418 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- ATTACH LEAF imported partitions 3 and 7 from leaf-4.
| Action           | Ordinal | Target_Host | Target_Port | Phase | Status  | Running_Time |
| ATTACH PARTITION |       3 | leaf-4      |        3306 |     1 | success |            1 |
| ATTACH PARTITION |       7 | leaf-4      |        3306 |     1 | success |            3 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- The data that was on leaf-4 is back!
memsql> SELECT MIN(id), MAX(id), COUNT(*) FROM test.x;
| min(id) | max(id) | count(*) |
|       1 |     100 |      100 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

ATTACH LEAF In Redundancy-2

Let’s work through a full example of attaching a leaf back into a redundancy-2 cluster. This cluster has eight leaves: leaf-1 through leaf-8. You should understand leaf pairings before following along with this example: see Availability Groups for details.

memsql> SHOW LEAVES;
| Host   | Port  | Availability_Group | Pair_Host | Pair_Port | State  | Opened_Connections | Average_Roundtrip_Latency |
| leaf-1 |  3306 |                  1 | leaf-5    |      3306 | online |                  1 |                     0.424 |
| leaf-2 |  3306 |                  1 | leaf-6    |      3306 | online |                  1 |                     0.391 |
| leaf-3 |  3306 |                  1 | leaf-7    |      3306 | online |                  1 |                     0.370 |
| leaf-4 |  3306 |                  1 | leaf-8    |      3306 | online |                  1 |                     0.408 |
| leaf-5 |  3306 |                  2 | leaf-1    |      3306 | online |                  1 |                     0.405 |
| leaf-6 |  3306 |                  2 | leaf-2    |      3306 | online |                  1 |                     0.395 |
| leaf-7 |  3306 |                  2 | leaf-3    |      3306 | online |                  1 |                     0.371 |
| leaf-8 |  3306 |                  2 | leaf-4    |      3306 | online |                  1 |                     0.403 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- test.x has 100 consecutive values from 1 to 100.
memsql> SELECT MIN(id), MAX(id), COUNT(*) FROM test.x;
| min(id) | max(id) | count(*) |
|       1 |     100 |      100 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

This is what a partition map might look like on the master aggregator before leaf-8 dies:

-- leaf-8 owns the master partition for test:3.
| test          |       3 | leaf-8 | 3306 | Master | 0      | 8       | 0          | 0            | async | 5    | 4           |
| test          |       3 | leaf-4 | 3306 | Slave  | 0      | 9       | 0          | 0            | async | 0    | 20          |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

After leaf-8 dies,

-- leaf-8 has entered the offline state.
memsql> SHOW LEAVES;
| Host   | Port  | Availability_Group | Pair_Host | Pair_Port | State   | Opened_Connections | Average_Roundtrip_Latency |
| leaf-1 |  3306 |                  1 | leaf-5    |      3306 | online  |                  4 |                     0.404 |
| leaf-2 |  3306 |                  1 | leaf-6    |      3306 | online  |                  4 |                     0.323 |
| leaf-3 |  3306 |                  1 | leaf-7    |      3306 | online  |                  4 |                     0.327 |
| leaf-4 |  3306 |                  1 | leaf-8    |      3306 | online  |                  4 |                     0.295 |
| leaf-5 |  3306 |                  2 | leaf-1    |      3306 | online  |                  4 |                     0.311 |
| leaf-6 |  3306 |                  2 | leaf-2    |      3306 | online  |                  4 |                     0.327 |
| leaf-7 |  3306 |                  2 | leaf-3    |      3306 | online  |                  4 |                     0.323 |
| leaf-8 |  3306 |                  2 | leaf-4    |      3306 | offline |                  1 |                      NULL |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- leaf-4 now owns the master partition for test:3.
| test          |       3 | leaf-8 | 3306 | Slave  | 0      | 8       | 1          | 0            | async | 0    | 4           |
| test          |       3 | leaf-4 | 3306 | Master | 0      | 9       | 0          | 0            | async | 18   | 20          |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- The data is still available because of the promotion on leaf-4.
memsql> SELECT MIN(id), MAX(id), COUNT(*) FROM test.x;
| min(id) | max(id) | count(*) |
|       1 |     100 |      100 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

-- We can also write to the database (the ... is an abbreviation, not valid SQL).
memsql> INSERT INTO test.x VALUES (101), (102), ... (200);

-- The new count is 200.
memsql> SELECT MIN(id), MAX(id), COUNT(*) FROM test.x;
| MIN(id) | MAX(id) | COUNT(*) |
|       1 |     200 |      200 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

If MemSQL is configured to automatically attach leaves that become reachable (by default it is), then after leaf-8 is restarted and recovered, it will automatically become online:

memsql> SHOW LEAVES;
| Host   | Port  | Availability_Group | Pair_Host | Pair_Port | State    | Opened_Connections | Average_Roundtrip_Latency |
| leaf-1 |  3306 |                  1 | leaf-5    |      3306 | online   |                  4 |                     0.396 |
| leaf-2 |  3306 |                  1 | leaf-6    |      3306 | online   |                  4 |                     0.323 |
| leaf-3 |  3306 |                  1 | leaf-7    |      3306 | online   |                  4 |                     0.321 |
| leaf-4 |  3306 |                  1 | leaf-8    |      3306 | online   |                  4 |                     0.320 |
| leaf-5 |  3306 |                  2 | leaf-1    |      3306 | online   |                  4 |                     0.319 |
| leaf-6 |  3306 |                  2 | leaf-2    |      3306 | online   |                  4 |                     0.329 |
| leaf-7 |  3306 |                  2 | leaf-3    |      3306 | online   |                  4 |                     0.327 |
| leaf-8 |  3306 |                  2 | leaf-4    |      3306 | online   |                  1 |                     0.318 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

And the database will continue to be queryable.


After leaf-8 becomes visible, for some time it will be in the attaching state. During this period it is replicating new data for the partitions that are stored on leaf-4. As soon as it transitions to the online state, the redundancy is fully restored, however all the master partitions are still on leaf-4, meaning that it does all the work for the data stored on these partitions. Shortly after leaf-8 transitions to online state, half of the replica partitions on it will be promoted to masters, and the load will be evenly distributed again.

You can disable master aggregator from automatically moving leaves that become visible to the online state by running:

memsql> set global auto_attach = Off;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

In this case if the leaf becomes visible, it transitions to the detached state instead, and one needs to run ATTACH LEAF manually to move it to the online state. ATTACH LEAF examines every partition database on a leaf and tries to reintroduce it into the system.

After leaf-8 is recovered, it still has a database for test:3. This database is in pending state until the leaf is attached. We can examine this by running SHOW DATABASES EXTENDED directly on the leaf:

-- This query is directly against the MemSQL instance on leaf-8.
-- Some columns were suppressed in the sample output for clarity.
| Database           | Commits | Role        | State       | Position | Details | AsyncSlaves | SyncSlaves |
| cluster            | 26      | async slave | replicating | 0:53     |         | 0           | 0          |
| information_schema | 66      | master      | online      | 0:181512 |         | 0           | 0          |
| memsql             | 14      | master      | online      | 0:890    |         | 0           | 0          |
| test               | 3       | sync slave  | replicating | 0:433    |         | 0           | 0          |
| test_11            | 5       | master      | pending     | 0:445    |         | 0           | 0          |
| test_15            | 13      | master      | pending     | 0:541    |         | 0           | 0          |
| test_3             | 7       | master      | pending     | 0:469    |         | 0           | 0          |
| test_7             | 8       | master      | pending     | 0:481    |         | 0           | 0          |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Back on the master aggregator,

-- leaf-8 is alive and is now in the detached state.
memsql> SHOW LEAVES;
| Host   | Port  | Availability_Group | Pair_Host | Pair_Port | State    | Opened_Connections | Average_Roundtrip_Latency |
| leaf-1 |  3306 |                  1 | leaf-5    |      3306 | online   |                  4 |                     0.396 |
| leaf-2 |  3306 |                  1 | leaf-6    |      3306 | online   |                  4 |                     0.323 |
| leaf-3 |  3306 |                  1 | leaf-7    |      3306 | online   |                  4 |                     0.321 |
| leaf-4 |  3306 |                  1 | leaf-8    |      3306 | online   |                  4 |                     0.320 |
| leaf-5 |  3306 |                  2 | leaf-1    |      3306 | online   |                  4 |                     0.319 |
| leaf-6 |  3306 |                  2 | leaf-2    |      3306 | online   |                  4 |                     0.329 |
| leaf-7 |  3306 |                  2 | leaf-3    |      3306 | online   |                  4 |                     0.327 |
| leaf-8 |  3306 |                  2 | leaf-4    |      3306 | detached |                  1 |                     0.318 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- ATTACH LEAF will make find test_3 database on the leaf and make it a replica of the existing test_3 database on leaf-4.
-- A rebalance will automatically run after that and promote test_3 to master on leaf-8, while demoting test_3 to replica on leaf-4.
memsql> attach leaf 'leaf-8':3306;
Query OK, 1 row affected (12.92 sec)

-- The master partition for test:3 is once again on leaf-8.
| test          |       3 | leaf-8 | 3306 | Master | 0      | 8       | 0          | 0            | async | 20   | 4           |
| test          |       3 | leaf-4 | 3306 | Slave  | 0      | 9       | 0          | 0            | async | 0    | 20          |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- After attaching leaf-8, the count remains at 200.
memsql> SELECT MIN(id), MAX(id), COUNT(*) FROM test.x;
| MIN(id) | MAX(id) | COUNT(*) |
|       1 |     200 |      200 |
1 row in set (5.65 sec)

A REBALANCE PARTITIONS walkthrough is left as an exercise for the reader: try adding two new leaves after the redundancy-2 summary and then running EXPLAIN REBALANCE PARTITIONS and REBALANCE PARTITIONS to distribute data onto the new nodes. Use SHOW PARTITIONS and SHOW LEAVES along the way to see how the data distribution changes after you run REBALANCE PARTITIONS.

Shutting Down and Restarting the Cluster

To avoid triggering automatic failure detection while cleanly shutting down the server, shut off and restart MemSQL instances in the correct order.

Shutting Down the Cluster

To avoid triggering failover detection:

  1. Shut down the master aggregator first.

  2. Shut down the remaining aggregators and leaves (in any order).

Restarting the Cluster

To bring the cluster back up:

  1. Restart all of the leaves.

  2. Verify that all the leaves are reachable (using a SELECT 1 query).

  3. Turn on the master aggregator.

  4. Turn on the remaining aggregators.

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous High Availability

With high availability redundancy-2 replication, you can specify whether replication from master to replica partitions is synchronous or asynchronous. Synchronous replication from the master partitions will complete on all replicas before the commit of the transaction is acknowledged to the client application.


MemSQL handles most leaf failure scenarios automatically so that your workload never has to stop or get interrupted when running with high availability. Some scenarios that are covered by MemSQL include:

  • When a leaf fails or disconnects from the cluster, the replica partitions on its pair node automatically get promoted as master partitions and take over the workload
  • When a leaf comes back online, it is automatically attached back to the cluster and the partitions are rebalanced such that the workload is as uniform as possible across all machines
  • When a replica partition has fallen behind or has diverged from its master partition, it is automatically reprovisioned
  • MemSQL handles near-OOM and near-out-of-disk situations gracefully through efficient resource management and client-side error reporting

When leaf node recovers in redundancy level 1, it is immediately attached to the cluster. In contrast, attaching a leaf in redundancy level 2 (high availability) can take up to 2 minutes. This is because MemSQL optimizes restarting leaf nodes by waiting for a batch of leaves to recover before restoring redundancy. This speeds up the process as rebalancing partitions is an expensive operation. As a result, SHOW PARTITIONS might not immediately show the leaves as online after a restart.

In rare circumstances, it might be necessary to troubleshoot a cluster using low-level clustering commands. For more information, consult Cluster Management Commands.