View the Dashboards
When all historical monitoring components are installed, configured, and running, the Grafana dashboards can be used to monitor MemSQL cluster health over time.
Identify Trends
Each dashboard provides insights that can be used to identify trends that may require intervention, including:
Active session history: Useful for viewing current and past session wait events that can be used to identify databases and activities that consume considerable resources
Activity history: Useful for viewing the timeline of query statistics and identifying if the performance of a single activity has regressed over time
Detailed cluster view: Useful for viewing detailed system statistics of your entire cluster and comparing high-level views of CPU, memory, and network usage against query rate, write/read volume, and query workload management
Information schema view: Useful for viewing the information schema’s process list and table statistics and identifying statistics about table size in terms of rows and memory
Memory usage: Useful for viewing overall memory usage of the cluster and discovering all possible buckets where memory is allocated (table, query, etc.)
MemSQL status and variables view: Useful for viewing all global statuses and variables, including ON/OFF values
Node breakout: Useful for viewing high-level resource usage per node, including host statistics from
tables -
Node drilldown: Useful for drilling down on resource usage per node