MemSQL Ops Overview

MemSQL Ops has been deprecated

Please follow this guide to learn how to migrate to SingleStore tools.


This topic does not apply to MemSQL Helios.

MemSQL Ops provides a simple, yet robust command line and web interface for MemSQL installation and cluster deployment, and a real-time view of key usage metrics in a MemSQL cluster.

You can use the latest minor version of MemSQL Ops (6.8) to manage MemSQL clusters running MemSQL 6.0 or later.


This section makes frequent references to MemSQL hosts and MemSQL nodes. For the purposes of this document, these are defined as follows:

Hosts - physical machines, virtual machines, or containers in which the MemSQL database and Ops processes are running. A host is uniquely identified by its IP address.

MemSQL Nodes - MemSQL database instances running within a MemSQL host.

Key Benefits of MemSQL Ops

Here’s how new and existing MemSQL users can benefit from using Ops.

Eliminate error-prone installation processes

MemSQL is designed for installation in a distributed system. As such, configuring MemSQL across multiple nodes manually is error prone. Manual installation requires downloading MemSQL on every host, configuring nodes as aggregators and leaves, adding valid license keys for every node, and verifying that the system is configured as expected. MemSQL Ops is able to simplify this entire process, making provisioning, installation, and configuration more turnkey and debuggable.

Simplify MemSQL monitoring for different engineering teams across environments

Software engineering teams that deal with database systems are typically distributed. The developers writing database applications, DBAs writing SQL queries, and IT teams managing the system at runtime are, at many times, separate organizations, which makes operationalizing database systems difficult. In addition, the database system is typically deployed into many environments (QA, staging, UAT) for additional testing before being moved to production. MemSQL Ops provides a simple-to-understand, intuitive interface for users of varying backgrounds to monitor the database cluster, providing a single, intuitive view of the major MemSQL cluster health indicators.

Smoothly upgrade to the latest MemSQL version as soon as it is available

When MemSQL releases upgrades of its software, up-to-date notification of when those upgrades are released allows users to migrate to the latest version of MemSQL as soon as possible, thus continually leveraging fresh MemSQL features and accessing critical bug fixes. MemSQL Ops allows efficient upgrading of MemSQL Ops and MemSQL database versions through a graphical UI or robust CLI.

Efficiently update MemSQL licenses

Enterprise MemSQL licenses have expiration dates, which must be always be tracked to ensure smooth system operation. MemSQL Ops gives users visibility of all active licenses and automatically applies the best license to MemSQL nodes.

Dynamically manage massive amounts of MemSQL nodes in a cluster

MemSQL is designed to run in a cluster of commodity hardware, with various aggregator and leaf nodes. As the demand for more data and performance increases, the cluster will need to scale, which increases the complexity of node tracking. MemSQL Ops can efficiently increase / decrease cluster size and track the capacity of all MemSQL nodes.

Script everything

Typically, system provisioning is performed by systems engineers using pre-written scripts that call command-line and HTTP APIs. MemSQL Ops exposes an intuitive set of commands for managing and monitoring MemSQL database clusters.