Outdated Version

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MemSQL Ops has been deprecated

Please follow this guide to learn how to migrate to SingleStore tools.

Lists all the files stored in the MemSQL Ops agent repository.


usage: memsql-ops file-list [--settings-file SETTINGS_FILE] [-q] [-j]
                            [-t {memsql,memsql_ops,spark,spark_deps_jar,python_deps}]

List files stored in MemSQL Ops.

optional arguments:
  --settings-file SETTINGS_FILE
                        A path to a MemSQL Ops settings.conf file. If not set,
                        we will use the file in the same directory as the
                        MemSQL Ops binary.
  -q, --quiet           Only display file ids.
  -j, --json            Print output as JSON.
  -t {memsql,memsql_ops,spark,spark_deps_jar,python_deps}, --type {memsql,memsql_ops,spark,spark_deps_jar,python_deps}
                        Only list files of the specified type