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MemSQL Studio Installation Guide


MemSQL Studio is designed to work with MemSQL 6.5 or later and is only supported on Chrome and Firefox browsers at this time.

Installing MemSQL Studio can be done easily through the popular package managers on Debian and Red Hat-based distributions. This allows you to utilize existing workflows when installing and upgrading your Studio package.

Online Installation

For online installations where you can access the MemSQL YUM repository, run the following steps.

  1. Add the MemSQL repository to your repository list.

    sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://release.memsql.com/production/rpm/x86_64/repodata/memsql.repo
  2. Verify that the MemSQL repo information is listed under repolist.

    sudo yum repolist
  3. Install MemSQL Studio.

    sudo yum install -y memsql-studio

Offline Installation

For installation in an environment without Internet access, download the following memsql-studio package and install it onto your target machine.


Install the memsql-studio package using rpm.

sudo rpm -ivh /tmp/memsql-studio-<version>.x86_64.rpm

Online Installation

For online installations where you can access the MemSQL APT repository, run the following steps.

  1. MemSQL packages are signed to ensure integrity, so the GPG key needs to be added to this machine. When done, verify that the MemSQL signing key has been added using apt-key list.

    wget -O - 'https://release.memsql.com/release-aug2018.gpg'  2>/dev/null | sudo apt-key add - && apt-key list
  2. Verify you have apt-transport-https installed.

    apt-cache policy apt-transport-https

    If apt-transport-https is not installed, you must install it before proceding.

    sudo apt -y install apt-transport-https
  3. Add the MemSQL repository to retrieve its packages.

    echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://release.memsql.com/production/debian memsql main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/memsql.list
  4. After verifying the MemSQL repo information is listed in the output, install MemSQL Studio.

    sudo apt update && sudo apt -y install memsql-studio

Offline Installation

For installation in an environment without Internet access, download the following memsql-studio package and install it onto your target machine.


Install the memsql-studio package using dpkg.

sudo dpkg -i memsql-studio_<version>_amd64.deb

Start MemSQL Studio

Now that you have Studio installed, start the memsql-studio systemd service using the systemctl start command.

sudo systemctl start memsql-studio

Recommended: Enable the MemSQL Studio service to start MemSQL Studio at system boot.

sudo systemctl enable memsql-studio.service
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/memsql-studio.service → /lib/systemd/system/memsql-studio.service.

If your Linux distribution does not use systemd, you can run MemSQL Studio directly.

sudo memsql-studio &

MemSQL Studio will now run the Studio web server on port 8080.

Add A New Cluster to MemSQL Studio

  1. With MemSQL Studio running, go to http://localhost:8080 on your local machine and click Add New Cluster to setup a cluster.


    MemSQL Studio is only supported on Chrome and Firefox browsers at this time.

    To run Studio on a different port, add port = <port_name> to /etc/memsql/memsql-studio.hcl and restart Studio.

  2. Paste the master aggregator host machine IP address into Hostname.

  3. Set Port to the master aggregator database port for your cluster. The default is 3306.

  4. Specify a valid database user in Username.

  5. Enter the Password for your database user.

  6. Click Create Cluster Profile and set Type to describe your cluster: Development, Staging, or Production.

  7. Fill in Cluster Name and Description to your preference.

After you have successfully logged in, you will see the dashboard for your cluster. To run a query against your cluster, navigate to the SQL Editor through the navigation in the left pane.