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Halt execution of the thread for the given number of seconds.

SLEEP ( seconds )


  • seconds: the number of seconds (or fraction) to sleep the thread.

Return type

The number 0.


This function is useful mainly for debugging and measurement purposes, e.g., to make sure a list of queries runs at certain intervals.

memsql> select now(); select sleep(10); select now();
| now()               |
| 2015-03-02 23:22:25 |

| sleep(10) |
|         0 |

| now()               |
| 2015-03-02 23:22:35 |

This feature can be combined with views to enable row-level permissions. In this example, persons with the ‘employee’ role can only see themselves, while ‘managers’ can see all records:

memsql> create table employees (
    ->    id int primary key,
    ->    fullname varchar(64),
    ->    account_name varchar(64),
    ->    role enum('employee', 'manager'),
    ->    salary int
    -> );

memsql> create table permissions (
    ->    account_name varchar(64),
    ->    emp_id int,
    ->    primary key (account_name, emp_id)
    -> );

memsql> create view employee_view as
    ->    select e.* from employees e, permissions p
    ->    where e.id = p.emp_id
    ->    and p.account_name = current_user();

memsql> insert into employees values
    -> (1, 'SYSTEM', 'root@%', 'manager', 0),
    -> (2, 'Kevin Kelvin', 'kelvin@%', 'manager', 5000),
    -> (3, 'Oliver Heavyside', 'oliver@%', 'employee', 3000);

memsql> insert into permissions values
    -> ('root@%', 1), ('root@%', 2), ('root@%', 3),
    -> ('kelvin@%', 2), ('kelvin@%', 3),
    -> ('oliver@%', 3);

-- as root:
memsql> select current_user(), * from employee_view;
| current_user() | id | fullname         | account_name | role     | salary |
| root@%         |  1 | SYSTEM           | root@%       | manager  |      0 |
| root@%         |  2 | Kevin Kelvin     | kevin@%      | manager  |   5000 |
| root@%         |  3 | Oliver Heavyside | oliver@%     | employee |   3000 |

-- as kelvin:
mysql> select current_user(), * from employee_view;
| current_user() | id | fullname         | account_name | role     | salary |
| kelvin@%       |  2 | Kevin Kelvin     | kevin@%      | manager  |   5000 |
| kelvin@%       |  3 | Oliver Heavyside | oliver@%     | employee |   3000 |

-- as oliver:
mysql> select current_user(), * from employee_view;
| current_user() | id | fullname         | account_name | role     | salary |
| oliver@%       |  3 | Oliver Heavyside | oliver@%     | employee |   3000 |